Wednesday, May 31, 2023



 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥
[ Photos: courtesy of the Dawn AI 2022]


You said I'd never be a leader
You said I'd never wear a crown
If I wanted to be someone
I should learn to settle down
I tell myself
(You'll never go further) I warn myself
(You'll never be better) You don't know me that well
I made it to the end
I nearly paid the cost
I lost a lot of friends
I sacrificed a lot
I'd do it all again
'Cause I made it to the top
But I can't keep doubting myself anymore
No, no
I can't keep doubting myself, no
Now you're looking at a leader
Now you're staring at a queen
You said I'll never be someone
But now I'm pulling all the strings
Won't let me back down
(You'll never go further) Can't turn me around
(You'll never be better) So no-one's stopping me now
I made it to the end
I nearly paid the cost
I lost a lot of friends
I sacrificed a lot
I'd do it all again
'Cause I made it to the top
I can't keep doubting myself anymore
No, no, no, no, no, no
Oh, no, no
Oh, no
You think you know
But you don't know the half
You think you beat me down
But I'll have the last laugh
I'll keep getting up
'Cause that's what I'm gonna do, yeah
I'm gonna be the best me
I'm sorry if it kills you
I made it to the end
I nearly paid the cost
I lost a lot of friends
I sacrificed a lot
I'd do it all again
'Cause I made it to the top
But I can't keep doubting myself anymore
No, oh no, no, no, no
I can't keep doubting myself, no
I remember holding her breakthrough album
Holding in my hands, in my car, listening to it on repeat
To me, she was this untouchable goddess
And, and when I met her, I really really wasn't expecting her
To just be... like me, I feel like we're so similar


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights


Monday, May 29, 2023

Memorial Day 2023...

 [ Photos: courtesy of Internet 5//2023 ]

 Good morning, Happy Monday!!

✧:✧:✧:: Memorial Day 2023 ::✧:✧:✧

"Legacy of Valor: A Memorial Day Tribute"
In solemn reverence, we gather here today,
To honor the brave, who've paved the way,
For their sacrifice, their valor untold,
We remember the heroes, so courageous and bold.
In the echoes of battles fought and won,
In the hearts that ache for the fallen ones,
We pay tribute to those who answered the call,
Who stood tall and proud, risking their all.
They marched into darkness, armed with might,
Their spirits alight, shining through the night.
With every step, they carried hope,
In the face of adversity, they learned to cope.
In distant lands, their courage took flight,
Leaving loved ones behind, hearts filled with plight.
They fought for freedom, for justice and peace,
Their unwavering resolve shall never cease.
On this Memorial Day, we solemnly reflect,
Remembering those who gave all, we shall never forget.
Their names may be etched on hallowed ground,
But their spirits and legacies forever abound.
In the whispers of the wind and the fields that sway,
Their memory lingers, guiding our way.
They fought with honor, with strength in their stride,
In our hearts, their valor shall forever reside.
So let us stand united, hearts intertwined,
Remembering the fallen, their sacrifice enshrined.
With gratitude and reverence, we bow our heads,
Saluting the heroes who rest in honored beds.
On this Memorial Day, we solemnly proclaim,
That their sacrifice shall not be in vain.
We honor their memory, with solemn pride,
And pledge to uphold the values for which they died.
In remembrance, we gather, united as one,
To honor the brave until the day is done.
With deep gratitude and solemn tears,
We remember the fallen, throughout the years.
✧✧ [Lola Love // 5. 29.2023] ✧✧



All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights

Sunday, May 28, 2023

A Geisha...

 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥
 [ Photos: courtesy of SL circa 2022 ]


★ [ Geisha ] 

A geisha is a traditional Japanese female entertainer who is skilled in various traditional arts such as music, dance, and conversation. Geisha, which translates to "person of the arts," embody grace, elegance, and beauty, becoming cultural icons in Japan.

Geisha culture dates back to the Edo period (1603-1868), where they emerged as skilled performers and companions for wealthy and influential individuals. While often mistaken as courtesans or prostitutes, geisha are distinct in their purpose and role in society.

Geisha undergo years of rigorous training in a specific geisha district called hanamachi, where they are mentored by experienced geisha known as "older sisters" or "geisha mothers." This training encompasses a wide range of skills, including traditional Japanese music, dance, tea ceremony, and the art of conversation.

The appearance of a geisha is distinctive, characterized by their white-powdered faces, elaborate hairstyles adorned with exquisite hair ornaments, and vibrant kimonos with intricate patterns. Their makeup is carefully applied, emphasizing their features, and their attire is meticulously chosen to reflect the season and occasion.

Geisha are adept at hosting social gatherings, known as ozashiki, where they entertain guests through conversation, performances of traditional music and dance, and the art of traditional Japanese games. They possess refined social skills and are skilled conversationalists, capable of adapting to various topics and engaging with guests of diverse backgrounds.

Geisha are highly respected in Japanese society for their preservation of traditional arts and cultural heritage. They are considered the epitome of grace and beauty, symbolizing the elegance and sophistication of Japanese culture.

It is important to note that geisha operate within a strict code of conduct and maintain professional boundaries. They prioritize their role as entertainers and companions, cultivating an aura of mystery and allure while adhering to strict standards of professionalism and confidentiality.

In recent times, the number of geisha has significantly declined, and the art form faces challenges in attracting new apprentices. However, the geisha tradition continues to thrive in certain geisha districts, particularly in cities like Kyoto and Tokyo, where they entertain guests, preserve Japanese traditions, and serve as cultural ambassadors for Japan.

In summary, a geisha is a highly skilled and revered female entertainer in Japan, trained in traditional arts and social graces. They represent the epitome of grace, beauty, and cultural heritage, captivating audiences with their performances, conversation, and refined elegance. Geisha continue to embody the essence of traditional Japanese arts, serving as custodians of a rich and captivating cultural legacy.


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights


[ Relaxing With Japanese Bamboo Flute , Guzheng, Erhu | Musical Instrument Collection ]

Worth It...


 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥
[ Photos: courtesy of the SL circa 2000]


In the depths of heartbreak's cruel embrace,
I tread the path of memories, a somber space.
Yet through the pain and tears that flow,
A glimmer of wisdom begins to grow.

For in the remnants of what once was,
Lie lessons learned, though bitter the cause.
Each memory, a thread woven deep,
A tapestry of moments, both joy and weep.

The laughter shared on carefree days,
The tender touch, the heartfelt gaze,
All etched within, a mosaic of scars,
A testament to love's triumphs and memoirs.

Through the darkest nights of despair,
I find solace in the fragments we still share.
For every tear that stains my cheek,
Speaks of a love that was true and meek.

Though the pain may linger and endure,
The memories, precious and pure,
Are reminders of a love so strong,
A symphony of emotions, a lifelong song.

For it is through heartbreak's relentless sting,
That we discover the resilience love can bring.
The strength to heal, to rise above,
To find solace in the memories we once loved.

So I embrace the ache, the bittersweet,
For in time, wounds mend and hearts find retreat.
And as I mend, I know in the end,
The memories, worth every tear, every mend.

For they shape the person I have become,
A testament to battles fought and won.
And as I move forward, heart filled with grace,
I cherish the memories, as they find their rightful place.


Colbie Caillat - Worth it ]

♥ڰۣ-ღ♥ . ♥ڰۣ-ღ♥

There were more good days than bad
More smiles than tears
We were more happy than sad
When we were us, we were fearless
Somewhere along the way
Lovers drifted apart
And even though I didn't stay
You have a place in my heart
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
There's still sweetness in the memories
Even after all the hurting
Even after all the long nights
Not quite knowing if it felt right
I wouldn't change a thing
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
You'll always be someone I miss
And never would regret
Every touch and every kiss
Were the kind you don't forget
I can't put my finger on it
The reason it didn't work
We didn't do anything wrong
The fire just wouldn't burn
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
There's still sweetness in the memories
Even after all the hurting
Even after all the long nights
Not quite knowing if it felt right
I wouldn't change a thing
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
Loving you was easy, loving you was nice
But loving you was one side of the life
Leaving was the heartbreak, closing out the door
You blame us for wantin' something more
It wasn't just me I did it for
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
There's still sweetness in the memories
Even after all the hurting
Even after all the long nights
Not quite knowing if it felt right
I wouldn't change a thing
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
And I know, and I know, and I know
I know it wasn't perfect, perfect, no
I know it wasn't perfect
But loving you was worth it
Songwriters: Colbie Caillat


The song "Worth It" by Colbie Caillat explores the concept of self-worth and empowerment. It conveys a message of embracing one's true value and not settling for less in relationships or life. The lyrics express the journey of recognizing one's worth, gaining self-confidence, and standing up for oneself.

The song encourages listeners to let go of insecurities, negative influences, and self-doubt. It emphasizes the importance of setting boundaries, knowing one's own value, and refusing to accept less than what one deserves. It promotes self-love, self-acceptance, and the belief that everyone is deserving of happiness and respect.

"Worth It" inspires individuals to be confident in their own skin, to prioritize their own well-being, and to pursue relationships and opportunities that align with their self-worth. It serves as a reminder that each person is deserving of love, kindness, and fulfillment, and that settling for less is never the answer.

Overall, the concept of "Worth It" revolves around embracing self-worth, setting healthy boundaries, and recognizing the importance of one's own value in relationships and in life. It encourages listeners to prioritize their own happiness and not settle for anything less than what they truly deserve.

All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights


About the Music...


[ Photos: courtesy of the SL circa 2020]


"Music is the language of the soul; and for two people of different nations or races to unite, there is no better means than music." ---Hazrat Inayat Khan


Welcome to Lola Love Dreamscapes, a harmonious sanctuary where melodies and emotions intertwine, and the power of music becomes the heartbeat of our existence. Step into a realm where every mood, every feeling, finds its perfect harmony within the diverse tapestry of musical genres.

In this melodic blog, we embark on a captivating journey through the vast spectrum of sounds, exploring how different genres of music have the incredible ability to evoke and amplify our emotions. Whether you seek solace in the haunting melodies of classical compositions, find joy in the infectious rhythms of pop hits, or immerse yourself in the raw emotions of soulful ballads, this is the place where your musical journey begins.

Join me as we delve into the depths of musical genres, uncovering the profound ways in which they intertwine with our own personal lives. From the uplifting anthems that fuel our determination to conquer the world to the introspective ballads that accompany us in moments of solitude, we'll navigate through the intricate connections between music and the human experience.

Experience the euphoria of dance-inducing beats that transport you to a realm of unbridled energy and joy. With me you will explore the vibrant world of pop, hip-hop, and electronic music, unearthing the infectious rhythms that make us all move and groove to the universal language of sound.

For those seeking solace and introspection, we'll traverse the serene landscapes of classical music, where symphonies and sonatas weave intricate tales of beauty and transcendence. Allow the timeless compositions of legendary composers to guide you on a transformative journey of self-discovery and contemplation.

But our exploration doesn't end there. Journey with me through the soul-stirring melodies of blues, the rebellious anthems of rock, and the poetic narratives of folk. Let us experience the power of music to capture the essence of our human emotions, as we uncover the stories behind each genre and the artists who breathe life into them.

Beyond the genres themselves, we'll delve into the impact of music upon our daily lives. Let's discover how a carefully curated playlist can enhance your productivity, invigorate your workouts, or transport you to distant memories and places. Dive into the art of crafting the perfect soundtrack for all your moods, harnessing the transformative power of music to create a symphony of emotions in your own life.

Are you ready to embark on a harmonious journey through the vast landscape of musical choices and moods? Please allow these melodies to guide you, as we explore the profound connections between music and the human spirit. Let the chords and lyrics become the language through which we decipher our deepest emotions, and let my blog be your trusted guide on this melodious adventure.


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights


 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Tale of Two Doves...

 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥
[ Photos: courtesy of internet 5//2023 ]

Dos Palomas en el Cielo Azul

En el cielo azul dos palomas danzan,
amantes eternos en un vuelo sin fin,
sus alas entrelazadas, al compás del corazón,
el amor que los une no tiene confín.

Dos almas gemelas, unidas en vuelo,
buscando la eternidad en cada latido,
sus plumas se rozan, su mirada se funde,
un amor sincero, un amor compartido.

El sol es testigo de su danza apasionada,
mientras las nubes suspiran de envidia,
el viento susurra suspiros de amor,
la naturaleza entera celebra su unión.

Bajo el cielo estrellado, al caer la noche,
posan juntas en una rama solitaria,
sus picos se entrelazan, en dulce caricia,
dos almas fundidas en una sola melodía.

Su amor es eterno como el cielo infinito,
dos palomas enamoradas, siempre juntas,
en cada aleteo, en cada arrullo,
destilan amor en cada nota conjunta.

Que su historia inspire a los corazones,
a encontrar en el vuelo su compañero,
y como las palomas, enlazados en amor,
vivir una vida llena de amor sincero.

En el cielo azul, dos palomas danzan,
un amor puro que nunca se extinguirá,
que su vuelo sea eterno, su amor sin fin,
dos almas enlazadas, para siempre amar.

♥ڰۣ-ღ♥ English Version ♥ڰۣ-ღ♥

Two doves in love, their wings unfold,
A story of affection, timeless and bold.
In the azure sky, they soar above,
A duet of devotion, an ode to love.

Their feathers brush in a tender embrace,
As they dance together with effortless grace.
Their eyes meet, a language unspoken,
A symphony of hearts, forever unbroken.

In flight they twirl, a celestial ballet,
Their love, an enchanting display.
Through sunsets ablaze and moonlit nights,
They share a love that forever ignites.

In their cooing whispers, secrets reside,
A bond unyielding, a love they can't hide.
Through seasons of change, their love remains,
In every beat of their hearts, a love that sustains.

With gentle strokes of beaks, they caress,
A love that's pure, beyond measure or guess.
Their wings entwined, as their souls unite,
Two doves in love, a mesmerizing sight.

May their love inspire us, like a guiding star,
To cherish and cherish, no matter how far.
Like the doves in love, let's find our pair,
And soar together, a love beyond compare.

[Poem: Courtesy of ChatGPT]


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights

★ [ Whitesnake - Is this Love ] 

Friday, May 26, 2023

Private Dancer...

 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥

[ Photos: courtesy of Dawn AI 5//2023 ]


★ [ Tina Turner- Private Dancer ] 

All the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You don't look at their faces
And you don't ask their names
You don't think of them as human
You don't think of them at all
You keep your mind on the money
Keeping your eyes on the wall
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
And any old music will do
I want to make a million dollars
I want to live out by the sea
Have a husband and some children
Yeah, I guess I want a family
All the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You don't look at their faces
And you don't ask their names
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
And any old music will do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
And any old music will do
Deutsche Marks or dollars
American Express will do nicely, thank you
Let me loosen up your collar
Tell me, do you want to see me do the shimmy again?
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
And any old music will do
All the men come in these places
And the men are all the same
You don't look at their faces
And you don't ask their names
You don't think of them as human
You don't think of them at all
You keep your mind on the money
Keeping your eyes on the wall
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
And any old music will do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'll do what you want me to do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
And any old music will do
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
I'm your private dancer, a dancer for money
Just a private dancer, a dancer for money

RIP Ms. Tina
May 24,2023


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights


When the Heartache is Over...

 ♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥
 [ Photos: courtesy of Dawn AI 5//2023 ]


★ [ Tina Turner- When the Heartache is Over ] 

Once in a lifetime you find

Someone to show you the way
Someone to make your decisions
But I let you lead me astray
Who did you think you were fooling
Said you were missing me blind
But the truth is I knew you were lying
You were using me time after time

When the heartache is over
I know I won't be missing you (missing you)
Won't look over my shoulder
'Cause I know that I can live without you
Oh live without you
Oh I can live without you

Time to move on with my life now
Leaving the past all behind
I can make my own decisions
It was only a matter of time
Sometimes I look back in anger
Thinking about all the pain
But I know that I'm stronger without you
And that I'll never need you again

When the heartache is over
I know I won't be missing you (missing you)
Won't look over my shoulder
'Cause I know that I can live without you
Oh live without you
Oh I can live without you

When the heartache is over
I know I won't be missing you
Won't look over my shoulder
'Cause I know that I can live without you
When the heartache is over
I know I won't be missing you (missing you)
Won't look over my shoulder
'Cause I know that I can live without you
Yeah I can live without you
Live without you
Songwriters: John Robinson Reid, Graham Stack
For non-commercial use only.

RIP Ms. Tina
May 24,2023


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights


Dancing In My Dreams ... - RIP TINA TURNER


♥ Lola Love 2023 ♥

 [ Photos: courtesy of Dawn AI 5//2023 ]


★ [ Tina Turner- Dancing In My Dreams ] 

Producer: Trevor Horn
Album: Wildest Dreams (96)

I've been running from the truth
I've been running since my youth, tired of running
I will stand here till you see
I am you and you are me, tired of running
There really is no difference when you look beneath the skin
Someday I know we'll go beyond this world we're living in
Now when I lay me down to sleep I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be I will be dancing
Now when I lay me down to sleep I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be I will be dancing
Dancing in my dreams
There's no hiding in the dark
From the beating of my heart it's getting louder
Just as long as we believe
The truth will set us free, it's getting louder
All that really matters is the light in your face
In you I see the longing of the whole human race
Now when I lay me down to sleep I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be I will be dancing
Now when I lay me down to sleep I will be dancing in my dreams
Seeing the way it all should be I will be dancing

Dancing in my dreams
On and on the story goes
Or it's the passing of the torch
With one small voice it all begins
Then there are millions more, millions more..

Dance Free and unbound..

RIP Ms. Tina
May 24,2023


All music on website is for listening purposes only. I do not claim any copyrights



💕. HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024. 💕 Music is life... 2024 Playlist loading... A Toast to 2024.. Welcome!! Farewell, 2023 - Embracing the Promise of...